Not to be confused with Brotherhood OG, The Brotherhood is a sativa-leaning hybrid that’s worthy of its own secret society. This strain was created by Prohibition Herb (also known as Animas Seed Company) as a cross between two of their own varieties: chocolatey Slick Willie and woody Icarus. What results is a rich, fragrant bud with mostly energizing, uplifting effects. The Brotherhood’s THC content has been measured at as low as 10% and as high as 28%.
The Brotherhood impresses with medium to large-sized flowers that tend to hold an irregular, chunky formation. The buds have a characteristically sativa structure, with leaves that spiral loosely outward and away from each other, rather than curling inward toward their central stems. The leaves themselves are a pale sea green and are shot through with vibrant orange hairs — which are actually pistils, structures meant to catch pollen from fertilizing male plants. Finally, a high volume of translucent white trichomes makes these flowers very sticky, accounting for their high potency.
Typical EffectsCreative
Common UsageNausea
ADHD Symptoms
The Brotherhood has inherited the cocoa aroma of its parent strain Slick Willie. An earthy, woodsy undertone mingles with this dessert-like scent. Grinding up the flowers releases the strain’s sweet-sour funk, possibly passed on from grandparent strain Pre-98 Bubba Kush. Given its heavy, rich aroma, The Brotherhood burns with a surprisingly smooth smoke when combusted. This smoke carries distinct flavors of coffee on the exhale.
Considering its mostly sativa background, The Brotherhood comes on slowly and may require 5 to 10 minutes before users begin to notice its effects. Eventually, a rush of blood to the head may result in a slight mental buzz as well as a feeling of pressure around the temples. This odd feeling quickly gives way to mental stimulation, though. Smokers may feel their thoughts take on an elevated quality — or at least a faster pace. Ideas and concepts that might not otherwise seem interesting can suddenly fascinate the user and can lead to new avenues of association. This strain’s ability to amplify an internal monologue can make it a valuable asset in encouraging conversation and camaraderie in social settings, even among new acquaintances. The bud’s tuned-in mental state also makes it a good way to get some work done, whether it’s complicated and analytical or more freewheeling and creative. The Brotherhood can also confer some physical energy, providing a boon to consumers who want to get some light exercise in for the day. As the high progresses or as dosage is increased, the user’s mood may begin to taper off into some physical relaxation. While it won’t undo any of the strain’s earlier cerebral properties, this suddenly laid-back vibe may outstrip any motivation to get work done — or even to run errands. In these later phases, The Brotherhood is a great way to kick back and enjoy a binge-watching session or a comforting meal with some like-minded friends. Because of its slow devolution from energetic engagement to laziness, The Brotherhood is recommended for afternoon use.
The Brotherhood mentally engaging effects can have many uses for medical cannabis patients as well. At its onset, it can allow those with attention deficit disorders to stay tuned in to a single task. Its upbeat energy can also temporarily relieve the troubling symptoms of mild to moderate stress and depression. Physiologically, the strain can relieve both chronic, disease-related pain and minor irritations like headaches and nausea. Because its strong patterns of recursive thinking can sometimes take a wrong turn into paranoia, The Brotherhood is not recommended for patients who are prone to panic or who have a low THC tolerance.
Seeds of The Brotherhood are not available online. Prospective home growers should seek out clippings from existing plants of the strain in order to grow genetically identical “clones.” While there is little information available on best practices specific to cultivating this strain, we know that it can be grown either indoors or out (although outdoor success calls for a hot and humid climate). We also know that its sativa roots imply tall, branchy plants that may require occasional pruning to fit in limited indoor spaces. The Brotherhood flowers within 9 to 10 weeks when grown indoors.
The Brotherhood makes a great middle-of-the-road sativa for a variety of settings and occasions. It can be an especially fun way to enhance a trip to the great outdoors.