Swazi Gold

Very Low
100% Sativa


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Very Low
100% Sativa

About Swazi Gold

Swazi Gold is a purely sativa landrace strain endemic to Swaziland and its surrounding regions in Southern Africa. Packing potent mental effects and soaring levels of THC, this bud (known as insangu in the Swazi language) is a local favorite that is beginning to gain popularity outside of Africa as well. Swazi Gold’s concentration of THC has been measured at between 18% and 27%.

Flowers of Swazi Gold have a distinctive appearance, marked by a medium to large shape and an elongated, stick-like shape. As with Thai landrace strains, the internal structure of these buds shows off their sativa influence, with wispy leaves that twist loosely outward. The leaves themselves are a drab, dark green and are twisted through with dark brown and red pistils. Finally, dewy, translucent trichomes cover all visible surfaces of these branchy flowers.

Typical Effects





Common Usage





THC Content











A first whiff of Swazi Gold’s flowers may detect fruity scents of citrus that have a cloyingly sweet, almost fermented edge. A second whiff of these buds may pick up on dank, woodsy notes of pine and soil as well. Meanwhile, grinding up or picking apart Swazi Gold’s buds may give off more of a pungent, skunky odor. When burnt, the strain gives off an acrid smoke that’s likely to sting the eyes and palate and may induce a coughing fit. On the exhale, this smoke has a faint citrus flavor.

Thanks to its entirely sativa makeup, Swazi Gold begins to take effect very quickly after users have ingested its thick smoke. At first, it can exert a headrush, resulting in strange sensations like a feeling of pressure in the temples or some flushing in the cheeks. As consumers adjust to these odd tics, though, they may notice a change in their thinking. Certain concepts (or even words or inanimate objects) can seem to take on a new intensity and may occupy more attention than they ordinarily might. Similarly, the smoker’s stream of consciousness might ramble around in a sort of free association, triggered by external prompts or by seemingly random thoughts. This cerebral state of mind can help some users achieve productivity, whether it’s on task-based, analytical work or on more artistic, creative pursuits. Swazi Gold could also supply a steady baseline buzz to add some excitement to otherwise mundane chores like doing the laundry or running errands. Meanwhile, users who aren’t inclined to put this strain’s energy towards work can simply bask in its warm, subtle euphoria. Swazi Gold’s tendency to amplify one’s internal monologue can even spark giddiness and easy conversation in social settings, making it a great way to break the ice among new acquaintances. As this potent high wears on, it is saddled by very few physical effects; consumers are unlikely to be pinned down by heavy feelings of couch lock. Because of its entirely upbeat vibes, Swazi Gold is recommended for daytime — or even wake-and-bake — use.

Swazi Gold’s supercharged mental effects can also have several benefits for medical cannabis patients. The strain’s cerebral properties may help facilitate concentration for those with attention deficit disorders. Its elevated mood may also temporarily undo some of the mental fog that comes with mild to moderate stress or depression. Physical benefits include some anti-inflammatory relief from minor pains like nausea or headaches. This strain’s tendency to bring about the munchies can even make it a viable appetite enhancement for those dealing with diminished hunger due to digestive problems or to treatments like chemotherapy. Because its fast-paced sense of “mindrace” can be disorienting for some, Swazi Gold is not recommended for patients who are prone to panic or who have a low tolerance for THC.

Those living outside of Southern Africa may have some trouble obtaining seeds of this landrace strain. Prospective home growers should try and seek out trusted cultivation sources from which to obtain clippings from mature plants of the strain; these can be fostered as genetically identical “clones.” Plants of Swazi Gold can be grown indoors or out and although outdoor cultivation typically calls for a hot and semi-humid climate, this strain’s sturdy landrace genetics may make it resistant to adverse conditions like temperature fluctuations. As with other sativa varieties, Swazi Gold’s crops can grow very tall and may require indoor gardeners to occasionally trim back their height. This strain flowers within a very long 10 to 12 weeks when grown indoors and is ready for outdoor harvest between late October and early November. Swazi Gold rewards patient growers with a high yield of flowers.

Although somewhat difficult to come by, Swazi Gold deserves a spot on any sativa lover’s bucket list. This legendary strain packs a serious and long-lasting punch that’s not to be missed.

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