Most strains are created by breeders for themselves, in an effort to create a better or more particular breed of cannabis but sometimes breeders create a strain for a particular patient. This is the case with 303 Seeds’ mostly Indica strain, Shooting Star. The patient chose Sensi Star from Paradise Seeds as the mother plant for it’s powerful Indica properties to help them overcome a sleep disorder that required prescription sleeping medication. It was also chosen for it’s lemony flavor. The breeders of 303 then chose to cross it with their strain Ski Train, a cross between Arcata Trainwreck, Super Silver Haze and Pakistani Chitral Kush, for its citrus flavor and resin production. Ski Train’s genetics also stretched the vegetative time of the strain to allow for a larger yield. Shooting Star produces a strong narcotic-like body stone that lulls most users to a deep sleep.
This strain’s growth is like that of a pure Indica short, stocky and easy to grow. Able to thrive both indoors and outside, in the right conditions, Shooting Star flowers for about eight to nine weeks. As with many Indicas, it is relatively uniform in growth, making it a good choice for the Sea of Green method. The THC count for Shooting Star is up to 19 percent.
Typical EffectsSedated
Cotton Mouth
Common UsagePain